Monday, January 30, 2017

Wk 3 EOC: Creative Thinking

People have been creatively thinking for many years and incorporating this asset in many professions worldwide. In advertising and marketing, it is essential to think creatively, the whole operation depends on it. Studies done in the advertising profession in contribution with the public have found creative ads get a better response, “Numerous laboratory experiments have found that creative messages get more attention and lead to positive attitudes about the products being marketed.” Advertisers tailor ads to appeal to the target market, incorporating a unique, original, and creative idea will create an ad that is just as effective or even more. “We believe that by tailoring the survey model to reflect the cultural preferences and triggers of consumers in different geographic markets, companies the world over can dramatically improve their ability to predict the likely effectiveness of their creative ads and thus make smarter investments.” Ads do not always need to be so ‘in your face’ or full of information, it is the simplest ones at times that are more effective. “It’s effective because it’s so brilliantly simplistic. It immediately attracts the attention of viewers because it is unlike any other ad that you are likely to see…It was successful because it was wonderfully creative.” Today in the digital era, people encounter ads almost everywhere they go, especially online. “In order to attract the attention of a customer who has likely already viewed 100 ads that day and will view close to a thousand more before the day is over, you need to come at them from a new angle.” Advertisers need to be more ingenious especially these days when ads are everywhere and users have the ability to deflect them. “By applying research methodologies like ours they can have a better sense of what kind of creativity matters the most for their products and place their creativity investments accordingly.”

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